View From The Glen

Friday, June 15, 2012

My Summer Reading

Usually I do a nice little blog post with a link to the books I hope to read, a nice picture, and a few notes of why I picked that particular book for my summer reading.

But seriously, I don't have time for that this year. I don't really feel I have time for this blog given that I have to get groceries and kids, finalize a report, make snacks to take to my "book club on the lake" night, and clean a rather neglected kitchen.

So you're getting a list. Boring, dull, and probably incomplete. These are just my fun reads - not books I am editing, not books for my classes or on teaching, not books for reviewing.

And overly ambitious, I am sure. Because that's how I roll. (Well, really because that just seems to be the way of it this year...I always have less time than I think I have, which suggests I need better time management. I'd take a course, but don't have time...heh heh.)

Denise's Summer Reading List
Bel Canto - Ann Patchett
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Winter Sea - Susanna Kearsley
Atonement - Ian McEwan
A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Dragonfly In Amber - Diana Gabaldon
On Writing - Stephen King
Possession  - A.S. Byatt
Her Fearful Symmetry - Audrey Niffenegger

Out of 10 books, there are only 3 I have never read. Pretty sad? I've reached the point where I'd rather spend time with a book I know i love or want to give another chance to than risk wasting time on a book that doesn't cut it.

Ta-da. See, I found time.


Leanne Haines said...

I'm trying to figure out which three you haven't already read... Thanks for making the time. You've inspired to me to make my own list. I think I'll go back to last year's and see what I haven't gotten to yet!

Bibliomama said...

I've read all of those except two. I'm still trying to read all the books in the world, but I have realized that when I get into a reading rut and nothing excites me, it's nice to reread something I know I love. Plus a lovely friend just gave me a signed first edition of Bel Canto for my birthday. :)